Serious Business Experience with a Sense of Humor

Michael H. Marks
President, Cartoonist, Speaker
Michael H. Marks is a Lifetime Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) working with Touchstone Business Advisors and has over fifty years of business experience and ownership. He is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Colorado and has been selling businesses for over twenty five years.
Michael is a past president and a founding board member of the Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI) and a Member of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA). He is the author and instructor of an 8 hour educational course for members of the IBBA entitled “Effective Negotiations for Business Brokers” and has presented this course in Denver, Tampa, Dallas, Reno, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, New Orleans, Phoenix and Boston. Michael has been selected as a Fellow of the IBBA, the association’s highest honor. He also was co-chair and assistant instructor of the IBBA’s Speaker Training Camp.
Since his initial sales and marketing training with the Maytag Co. in Newton, IA, Michael has started and owned ten businesses in widely diverse industries including printing, manufacturing, distribution, retail and mail-order.
Michael H. Marks has a special interest as a membership advisor to associations. His specialties are membership development, strategic planning, and meeting facilitation. He has drawn on his own innovative business and association career to create the unique Membership ScoreCard program to assist organizations in identifying their problems and providing their own solutions.
Michael holds a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and served as a U.S. Army Artillery Battery Commander in the Republic of South Korea.
Michael has taken up cartooning as a hobby in recent years and has found by using those skills along with his extensive business experience, he has been able to create the exclusive Toons ‘n Tips email drip marketing service and Senior Living Cartoons for clients across the country. You can also see his general interest (just for fun) cartoons at www.mikescartoons.com.