Toons ‘n Tips for Business Brokers & Intermediaries
Keeping in Touch with Seller Prospects and Referral Source every month featuring our exclusive Cartoons & Tips for Maximizing Business Value gets results. We provide full service email drip marketing campaigns including complete analytics following the campaigns.

Burying Personal Expenses and Assets in the Business Financials
Minimizing tax liability is a strategy all business owners think about. But when it comes time to obtain financing or sell the business, buried [...]
Realistic Expectation of Business Value
Unfortunately, most business owners have a very inflated view of the value of their company. And why not? They have put so much money, [...]
Where are the Business Financials?
If business owners do not have all their financials and tax returns at their fingertips (and many don’t), it usually means they don’t refer [...]
“You can’t always get what you want!”
The title to the 1969 song by the Rolling Stones seems to echo what the market tells some business owners. Many times the offers [...]
Owner Burnout is Bad for Business!
Many business owners have operated their companies for too long and have lost their interest or drive. As a result, the business can flounder [...]

Without a plan, business owners could end up with a “Value Gap”!
Most retiring business owners expect that their financial needs will be met when they sell their companies. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. [...]