Happy Customers Getting More Business
Today I got a call from one of my realtor clients for a new job. The first thing she said to me how much she LOVES the Monday morning cartoons she gets from me…she said she is looking forward to them every time they come out. I do get many positive responses from my friends and clients, and I am very happy about how it is working out. I know that it keeps my business up there in peoples’ minds without being annoying, and I have been getting job inquiries as a direct response to the emails. I always look forward to the cartoons myself.
The day my first Monday Morning Smiles campaign went out, I received a response from a new buyer who wants to start looking for a home. And I received several clicks to my website from the campaign that day as well. It looks like Monday Morning Smiles is going to be an effective advertising tool at such a low cost!
I can’t believe how many people mention how much they enjoy getting my Monday Morning Smiles. And now I am getting responses and referrals saying they would like to discuss their insurance needs!
Getting good response from our recent campaign. The golf story, showing lost drive affecting the business, fits a lot of my contacts.
We had a very good year thanks to you! Closed 14 deals, 4 LOI’s going into the next year, 21 active clients going into the new year. Your campaigns really keep things together and moving forward!
Mike, your Season’s Greetings campaign this year was terrific! I got one excellent listing from it and conversations with another business owner who looks like he is ready to take the next steps!
I received a reply to a recent Toons ‘n Tips email campaign from a business owner that had backed out of selling about a year and a half ago and I hadn’t talked to since. He said he was finally ready to sell —- and I now have a $1.8 million listing!
I just got three opportunities in the last few days (a wonderful listing, and two valuations) with clients I have been in touch with for years. Wouldn’t have happened without Toons and Tips.
I just got a call from a Midas dealer who is thinking of selling his shops. He said my new cartoon emails described him perfectly.
I just got a call from a gentleman who I wrote a policy on about 6 years ago, which was approved but he didn’t accept it back then. He wants to apply again and if he did and is approved, it will be a nice case with a significant commission for me. It is clear that he called me due to the Monday marketing campaign as it is the only way I have kept in touch with him and he commented on how much he enjoys them.
I love my work, but I hate going after new business. Now I can focus on what I do best, because I know my name is out there — automatically!
I get a big viral impact by using Twitter & LinkedIn (and Facebook) to pass Monday Morning Smiles to friends, associates and followers — they love the cartoons, and they forward them — suddenly my contact list expands all over the web!
We have a staffing business — and almost every time a cartoon campaign goes out, bingo, we receive replies (and job orders). These email campaigns really work!
My biggest commission ever came from a prospect I had almost forgotten — I met with her years ago. Then, out of the blue, she replied to one of my cartoon campaigns saying was ready to put here business on the market!